Since Eritrea has become independent from 24th May 1993 from its southern neighbor Ethiopia, the Government only focused with the establishment and maintenance of a viable Government structure, the raising of development money, and a boundary conflict with Ethiopia.
Only a Commercial Register was established at an early stage for the record of trade names and signs belonging to licensed traders conducting trading activity in Eritrea. No provision is made for such record by non- Eritrean entities.
The enactment of an Industrial Property Law and establishment of a separate Industrial Property Office are still under consideration and there is currently no Industrial Property legislation in place in Eritrea. The Government has, at times, accepted the publication of Cautionary Notices in the Government-owned national newspaper; however, this practice is currently suspended.
At present there is no specific procedure for the protection of Trade Marks in Eritrea.
However as a matter of practice it is observed that the following are this to be done successful register a trademark in Eritrea, the first step is to check whether the name you chose can be registered as a trademark, this is not limited simply if there other similar trademark and it should not be prohibited by the law such words reserved for public use and those which are not misleading.
- No power of attorney is needed
- A design of the trademark in JPEG format in case of a graphical trademark
- The details of goods or services for which the trademark will be registered or classes in case they are known
- Details of the trademark owner, name, address, fiscal number, registration number
Any other previous information related to trademark you filed before.